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Optimal Electrolyte

SALE $37.95
Current price $32.26
  • Supports healthy muscle contraction and relaxation
  • Supports healthy heart rhythm and contraction
  • Hydration Blend with key ingredients for hydration support

Third Party Tested

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60-day Return Policy

High End Ingredients

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These electrolytes taste so amazing!

When I first had them I instantly thought of the taste of your favorite sports drinks like Gatorade or Powerade which was surprising because most electrolytes don’t have the best taste. When taking these electrolytes, I felt relaxation in my back muscles where I have been feeling some tightness. I was able to stretch out and felt strong after consuming Dr. Ben’s electrolytes!! ~Noble Simms

It takes only a 1% loss of water to create symptoms of dehydration.

Attention, concentration, memory and overall mental processing speed are all negatively affected by just a 1% loss of hydration.

Assess each statement below. If you can relate to one or more, then Optimal Electrolyte may be the electrolyte supplement you need:

  • After a night’s sleep, I like starting my day properly hydrated.
  • No matter what electrolyte I try, I tend to cramp. I would like to find an electrolyte that supports healthy muscle contraction and muscle relaxation.
  • I tend to wake up at night and pee. I would like to sleep throughout the night.
  • When I exercise, I tend to experience muscle cramps. I would like to have healthy functioning muscles.
  • I would like to support healthy blood sugar levels.
  • Most electrolytes are high in sodium but very low in potassium and magnesium. I would like my electrolyte to have more potassium and magnesium.
  • When I look at my calf muscles, they seem to twitch or move a little on their own. My doctor calls them fasciculations. I would like to support healthy calf muscles.
  • I would like to experience a consistent, rhythmic heartbeat.
  • I often get headaches especially if I don’t hydrate. I would like to support healthy hydration so my head feels healthy.
  • I’m taking diuretics, albuterol, laxatives, or insulin. My doctor says I need to support healthy hydration and support healthy potassium levels.
  • I drink water and find that I need to go pee right away. I would like to drink water and not pee so frequently.
  • I’m overweight. I heard recently that having a higher proportion of body fat to muscle mass leads to lower total body water content.
  • I often have a water bottle on my desk or my kid’s backpack for school. I would like to add an effective, great-tasting and healthy electrolyte to my filtered water.
  • My legs tend to spasm and move involuntarily at night or while traveling. I would like to support healthy sleep and muscle function.
  • I travel a lot by plane and experience fatigue after flying. Airplanes tend to dehydrate me due to the very low humidity in the cabin. I need to support healthy hydration while flying.
  • I know I don’t drink enough water but I don’t like water. I need to flavor it with something and I’m looking for a great-tasting electrolyte.
  • I’m pregnant and know I need to support healthy hydration for me and my developing baby.
  • I’m breastfeeding and know I need to support healthy hydration for me and my breast milk production.
  • I live in a windy, dry or sunny environment. I know I’m losing a lot of water through my skin.
  • I keep telling my kids to drink more water but they don’t. I would like to find something that is healthy, tastes great and they will want to drink without me nagging them all the time.
  • I drink soda, flavored water or juice often. I’m looking to replace these with a low calorie, healthy, effective and great-tasting electrolyte.
  • I love coconut water but I just found out it is very high in carbohydrates and sugar! I need to replace it with something that is as good, or better, and low calories.
  • At times, I drink alcohol. I know it makes me dehydrated. I would like to restore healthy hydration after drinking.
  • I drink caffeine at times - coffee, tea, soda, matcha, yerba mate - and it makes me pee more frequently. I know I need to properly hydrate.
  • I’m looking for a stevia-free, sugar-free electrolyte.

If a number of those resonated with you, then Optimal Electrolyte is something that you should seriously consider.

If none of the statements above relate to your current life situation, then Optimal Electrolyte is most likely not something you need right now.

  • Sodium as real Himalayan Pink Salt & Potassium
    Essential electrolytes that support hydration and water balance in cells. 99% of people are deficient in potassium which is why we have so much more potassium than sodium.
  • HydroPrime®
    A trademarked and researched glycerol compound. It provides deep hydration at the cellular level to support hydration status, especially when training in the heat, supporting a healthy recovery.
  • PeakATP®
    A trademarked form of ATP, your body's primary energy source. It supports blood flow, strength, power and performance during exercise, as well as recovery from fatigue.
  • Niacin
    Vitamin B3 is a building block for NAD+, which are essential in the Krebs cycle for energy production. It also supports circulation, MTRR enzyme function, healthy lipid levels and joint nubrification.
  • Magnesium
    An essential mineral that supports over 400 enzymes in the body. Magnesium promotes a positive mood, healthy muscle and nerve function, and hormone balance. It is also a Cofactor for the COMT enzyme supporting dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine metabolism.
  • Taurine
    An amino acid that supports hydration, muscle strength, endurance and Phase 2 liver detoxification.
  • Creatine Monohydrate
    An amino acid that is stored in your muscles where it is used as a source of energy, supporting also brain function and endurance. Like glycerol, creatine also supports hydration by pulling water into cells.

Suggested Use

As needed, add 1 scoop to a glass or water bottle. Fill with 8 oz of filtered water. For best results, sip, hold, then swallow.

Do not take within 2 hours of bedtime. Use as directed by your healthcare professional.


Do not use if tamper seal is damaged.

Suitable for


Delivery Method


How to Store

Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place. For freshness, use within 60 days of opening.

  • GMO-Free
  • Gluten-Free
  • Dairy-Free
  • Egg-Free
  • Fish-Free
  • Shellfish-Free
  • Tree-Nut-Free
  • Peanut-Free
  • Wheat-Free
  • Soy-Free
  • Sesame-Free

Proper hydration is second to breathing in terms of importance to sustain a healthy life.

The rules of 3 determine how important it is to use Optimal Electrolyte on a daily basis.

One cannot sustain life when:

  • 3 minutes without air.
  • 3 days without water.
  • 3 weeks without food.

Depending on what I do in a day, my usage of Optimal Electrolyte varies

  1. Every morning, I don’t eat breakfast right away, Instead, I properly hydrate by sipping a glass of Optimal Electrolyte over a period of about 30 minutes. I drink it while in the office.
  2. If I sauna, I sip a serving during the session.
  3. If I go to the gym, I will take a sip from my water bottle between sets while working out.
  4. If I feel that water later in the afternoon is not cutting it, I will have another serving. Typically, the trigger for me to go prepare some electrolytes is when my head feels fuzzy and cognition is slower than desired.

If you find yourself sweating a lot, you may want to add a pinch of salt to your electrolytes. I do this if I have a heavy sweating sauna or exercise session.

Typically, you do not need, and shouldn’t, add more salt to your electrolytes - only if you’re sweating profusely. You usually get more than sufficient sodium in your diet.

Be sure to sip, and hold, then swallow. Do not chug your electrolytes. Absorption is so much better by following these suggestions.

Kids do not stop to drink water. They’re too busy and distracted. As a father, I always prepare a glass of Optimal Electrolyte for my boys and walk it over to them. Ideally, prepare their water bottle for school and sports with a serving of Optimal Electrolyte.

If you prepared a water bottle full of Optimal Electrolyte and you haven’t finished it, put it in the fridge. It will be good for a couple days. I do this at times when I feel I don’t want to finish it.

What our customers say

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Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
Based on 1,246 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 1k Total 4 star reviews: 102 Total 3 star reviews: 41 Total 2 star reviews: 23 Total 1 star reviews: 79
89%would recommend this product
1,246 reviews
  • NS
    Nancy S.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    9 hours ago
    Optimal Electrolyte Berry

    Hi Dr. Lynch. I just received the new formula and the taste was not as good to me. It was almost bitter. The old formula had a better sweetness. Maybe it’s the creatine addition??

  • JW Profile picture for Joshua W.
    Joshua W.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    THE NEWEST FORMULA (HydroPrime Removed - Creatine Added) is Amazing! Very Effective. No Clumping. It's Delicious!

    I have been using Dr. Lynch's Optimal Electrolyte for several years now, and I believe these electrolytes are the best on the market in terms of their effectiveness. When I take these, I actually notice an improvement in stamina, energy, overall stability, & certainly hydration. These work SO well. Conversely, I don't notice much of a difference at all when using other electrolyte drinks, and I've tried several of the different popular ones that claim to be "clean".

    For the last little while. the only downside has been an issue where the powder in the tub would clump badly, even when stored properly. The entire contents would get hard and clumpy quickly after the container was opened, which was frustrating. I switched to adding it to my smoothie, so the Vitamix would take care of it... but still it was a less than desirable situation. Originally, I bought the sticks which were individually wrapped, but when those were discontinued, all that was left to purchase was the tub, so there was no way around it.

    When the new formula was released several months back, I thought it was pretty good, but there was still a major issue with clumping out of the box, perhaps even worse than the original formulation. As others have noted, the new formula was also pretty sweet and the flavors were a bit off.

    The other day when I was on SeekingHealth looking at my subscription orders, I noticed the new branding on the electrolyte containers, and saw that they were running a sale on…

  • S
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Orange flavor tastes like a real orange

    I love the new formulation! It has a slight fizz, just enough to mix the ingredients without stirring and make it taste refreshing but not too much.

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