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5 Brain Health Supplements You Aren't Getting From Your Diet

5 Brain Health Supplements You Aren't Getting From Your Diet<sup>†</sup>

An optimal diet remains the foundation of good health; indeed, critical nutrients—over forty—exist to support your body's complex functions.(1) However, factors such as digestive health, genetic makeup, pregnancy, stress levels, illnesses, and the natural aging process can impact the absorption and need for these nutrients.

Current data suggests that an alarming 92% of the U.S. population may be experiencing at least one form of vitamin or mineral deficiency,(2) and while short-term effects may be subtle, the long-term consequences can lead to significant health concerns, particularly given the interconnected nature of these nutrients in the body.

Consider the extraordinary demands of the brain for nutritional support. Many essential nutrients for cognitive health are challenging to obtain in sufficient quantities from diet alone. Instead, your body must synthesize these vital compounds—a process that may be hindered by dirty genes that result in genetic variations, enzyme deficiencies, and more.

To this end, among the countless nutrients that support cognitive function, five warrant particular attention for their vital roles.

5 Brain Health Supplements You Aren't Getting From Your Diet
  1. Phosphatidylserine- A critical component found abundantly in your brain and is present in every cell's membrane, a crucial structure akin to the skin of a cell. Like your skin, these membranes serve as a barrier against external threats while also allowing communication between cells. Maintaining a healthy cell membrane is fundamental to overall cellular health, particularly in brain cells where phosphatidylserine plays a role in neurotransmitter release and reuptake. It is these processes that regulate neurotransmitter effects. Additionally, phosphatidylserine supports healthy levels of inflammation for overall brain health and cognitive function.(3)

    Phosphatidylserine can be obtained from diet, but the options are few and ones that many people don’t consume for one reason or another. This includes soybeans, fish, eggs, and animal organs.(4) While your body can synthesize phosphatidylserine from other phospholipids, such as phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, this process depletes valuable cell membranes of their resources.(5)

    Seeking Health’s Phosphatidyl Serine contains a trademarked source of phosphatidylserine called Sharp•PS®. This ingredient is derived from non-GMO sunflower oil, making it vegan-friendly. Each capsule provides 150 mg of phosphatidylserine to support normal focus, memory capacities, and healthy brain processing. It also regulates healthy cortisol levels to support a healthy mood and feelings of calm.

  1. Glutathione- Glutathione is found in every cell in your body, acting as the master antioxidant. These antioxidant-like properties are especially important for your brain. Even though it only makes up 2% of your body weight, your brain uses 20% of the available oxygen. It also contains many unsaturated fatty acids and low levels of antioxidant enzymes, making it highly susceptible to oxidative damage. Insufficient levels of glutathione in the brain have been connected to brain cell death, which leads to poor cognitive performance and function. When glutathione levels in the brain are optimal, it helps to support normal cellular defenses against free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS).(6)

    Glutathione is found naturally in some foods, like asparagus and avocado, but it is poorly absorbed and can degrade during storage and cooking. While researchers discuss supporting levels by consuming the amino acids that make it- cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid- they have to be consumed in precise proportions and protein digestion needs to be sufficient. Moreover, your body's ability to synthesize glutathione hinges on the presence of specific nutrients, namely vitamin C, selenium, and riboflavin. Another common hurdle is single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that thwart the enzymes needed to make and recycle glutathione.(7) Considering all of this, some individuals may find support in glutathione supplementation, particularly if they are exposed to environmental chemicals and other stressors.

    While dietary sources of glutathione may not effectively raise levels, liposomal and certain tableted forms have demonstrated bioavailability.(7) Enter the Glutathione Plus Lozenge: a convenient and palatable means of supplementing with this beneficial compound. This researched formulation offers enhanced stability that surpasses rival forms, while nutrient cofactors like riboflavin and selenium help mitigate potential side effects. The lozenge format ensures rapid nutrient delivery and is ideal for traveling, those who can’t swallow capsules, or who don’t like the taste of glutathione.

  1. PQQ- Pyrroloquinoline quinone is a nutrient with antioxidant properties that are 100-1000 times stronger than vitamin C. This makes it an exceptional ally for supporting healthy levels of free radicals, naturally occurring compounds that wreak havoc on your cells. PQQ has been shown to support both the health and function of brain cells and blood flow to the brain. PQQ also supports mitochondria, your body’s main energy producers.(8) When mitochondria are functioning optimally, so is the rest of your body.

    PQQ is naturally produced by bacteria that pass it onto the soil.(8) From there, it goes into plants we consume, like tea, parsley, and kiwis. Interestingly, it’s also found in higher concentrations in human breast milk, likely coming from the mother’s diet. Despite its prevalence, humans typically only ingest about 0.1-1.0 mg of PQQ daily.(9) However, research indicates that supportive health outcomes are observed with daily intake levels ranging from 10-20 mg.(8)

    PQQ Lozenge provides 20 mg of PQQ per serving. Your body cannot make PQQ, but when taken as a supplement in the proper amount, it supports healthy brain function, mental clarity, energy levels and more. This lozenge is a quick, easy way to give your body and mind an afternoon pick me up.

  1. Choline- The role of choline is similar to phosphatidylserine. Your body needs it to make phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, phospholipids that are integral to cell membranes. Choline is also needed to make the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which plays a vital role in learning. It is important in forming thoughts, processing of information, and organizing memory.

    Choline is found in a wide range of foods, but animal-based products like meat and eggs are the best sources.(10) Nevertheless, your body has a high demand for choline and a large portion of the population does not get enough. Your body can make choline, but not in sufficient amounts to meet its needs. Moreover, genetic variations, such as those on the PEMT gene, can impact phosphatidylcholine production.(11) In times of choline shortage, your brain cells can offer what they have, but you do not want to rely on this. In order to offer their choline, your brain cells have to break down their membranes. This puts your health and your brain function at risk.(10)

    Optimal Focus is a cognitive support supplement that utilizes 2 distinct forms of choline. AlphaSize® Alpha GPC, easily absorbed by the brain, is swiftly utilized to produce acetylcholine, providing rapid memory support.(12) Meanwhile, citicoline, a globally renowned ingredient for cognitive health, supports the normal repair of brain cell membranes.(13) Instead of relying on stimulants, Optimal Focus supports your brain's natural functions with targeted nutrients, ensuring sustained cognitive support.

  1. ATP- Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the fundamental source of energy used by every cell in your body.(14) Its in such high demand that your body uses an amount of ATP equivalent to its own weight every day.(15) Despite its critical role, ATP cannot be readily stored within your cells, nor do you consume ATP directly from food. Instead, your body takes the food you eat and digest and transforms it into ATP. This process requires numerous genes and enzymes to be functioning optimally.(14)

    Your brain is the highest consumer of ATP, accounting for about 25% of the total ATP available. The sensation of brain fog often stems from a lack of glucose and ATP within your brain. Supplementing with ATP bypasses the intricate steps required for production. You can think of it as buying a pre-made meal compared to cooking something from scratch.(16)

    For an already fatigued brain, making ATP can be strenuous. Brain Nutrients provides rapid energy support with PeakATP®, the only clinically studied ingredient with a structure identical to the ATP produced by your body. This innovative lozenge also supports antioxidant and detoxification systems, crucial processes for brain health. All day long, your brain produces harmful waste products. Due to its high fat content, your brain is very susceptible to a type of oxidative damage called lipid peroxidation. This damage can impair your thinking, learning, sleeping, coordination, and memory if left unchecked. (12) Brain Nutrients include royal jelly and PQQ for their antioxidant properties, while thiamine and zinc support the normal removal of aldehydes that occur from neurotransmitter breakdown.

    In the midst of the growing interest in nootropics and biohacking, distinguishing between passing trends and effective strategies can be challenging. Yet, just as your body relies on proper nutrition for overall health, your brain similarly thrives on essential nutrients for proper cognitive function. Given the prevalence of nutrient deficiencies and the number of factors influencing nutrient levels, taking proactive measures to bolster brain health is imperative.

    Remember, supplements are intended to complement a well-balanced diet, not to replace it. When considering supplements such as phosphatidylserine, glutathione, PQQ, choline, and ATP, can play a supportive role in optimizing brain performance when incorporated into a holistic approach to health and wellness.



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