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Why You Should Use an NADH Supplement

Why You Should Use an NADH Supplement

Do you struggle to get out of bed in the morning and then chug down an espresso just to get through your day?

Are you an athlete who trains and competes for long hours, seeking that extra energy to get you to first place?

Would you love healthy energy all day long?

If so, check out Energy Nutrients, a powerful, tasty, and easily absorbed lozenge that may just be perfect for you!

Learn more about how nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)—the key ingredients in Energy Nutrients—are critical for supporting your body’s natural ability to produce and sustain energy.

How Do NADH and CoQ10 Work To Produce Energy?

Your mitochondria (powerhouses inside each cell) produce energy for your cells that the rest of your body can use. Mitochondria require several essential nutrients for this process, including NADH, a compound produced from food, and CoQ10, a naturally occurring antioxidant.

NADH is created from the glucose in food. It travels to your mitochondria and initiates the first of five critical steps that form the energy molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Once NADH is used, CoQ10 is needed to transfer the electrons created from NADH for ATP production.

Seems easy enough, right?


It’s not easy for your body to make NADH. Making NADH requires several genes and many different nutrients, including B vitamins. However, you may be B deficient or the genes that make NADH may not be functioning optimally. If these genes are acting "dirty," ” your ability to make NADH decreases dramatically, as described in Dr. Ben Lynch's book, “Dirty Genes.”

Adding insult to injury, your CoQ10 levels plummet as you age, especially with increased physical and mental stress. If you don’t have enough CoQ10, the electrons created from NADH can’t be released to produce energy. Your energy levels drop, and you struggle.

What Happens When Your CoQ10 and NADH Are Low?

To compensate for your fatigue, you might find yourself reaching for caffeine. While you may feel great after that first cup, caffeine can cause sleep issues, overstimulation, anxiousness, headaches, loss of electrolytes, and tight muscles over time. If you have any issues with heart rhythm, caffeine can make things even worse.

If you exercise hard or are an athlete, you might be taking those sugary glucose packs with artificial ingredients and colors. They taste great, but they aren’t great for your body in the long run.

Both of these options provide increased energy almost immediately, but they do so at a cost. Artificial energy comes at a great expense: premature aging, fatigue, and quick-to-drain energy.

Support Your Energy, Naturally

You need a healthy alternative to caffeine, sugar, and other artificial forms of energy that may cause more harm than good. This is exactly why Dr. Ben Lynch created Energy Nutrients, which contains both NADH and CoQ10.

Here’s how to use Energy Nutrients: Simply take one tasty lozenge and let it melt in your mouth before swallowing to allow for optimal absorption. Always tune into how you are feeling before taking a dietary supplement. If you feel that you don’t need the whole lozenge, you can break it into smaller pieces, take a portion, and put the remaining amount back in the bottle. Be sure to always take this on an empty stomach. Put it on your bedside table to take right when you wake up for an energy-supported day!

Why Should You Take NADH + CoQ10 on an Empty Stomach?

Consuming food creates NADH. If you get it from food and a dietary supplement all at once, it may cause too much for your body.

An overload of NADH can actually make you feel fatigued. Think of what happens when you overeat, such as during a holiday meal. How do you feel afterward? Exhausted, right? Too much NADH is one reason for feeling tired after overeating.

Now think about when you’re hungry. You also feel tired, right? Not enough food makes you feel fatigued because you don’t have enough NADH. So there is a Goldilocks place with NADH that makes for an amount of energy that’s just right! Energy Nutrients is specifically formulated to contain just the right amount of NADH to support the perfect amount of energy for your body— this is exactly why you need to take it on an empty stomach. You’ll learn what that sweet spot feels like once you start taking it!

Aside from taking on an empty stomach, you need to understand how to use this product correctly for the best experience possible.

What Are 4 Things To Know Before Taking an NADH Supplement?

There are four key things you need to know before you start taking Energy Nutrients:

  1. Make sure your stomach is empty. This should be the first thing you think about before popping one of these lozenges. For those with normal gastric function, it takes about 2-5 hours for your stomach to move food into the intestines. This is why we suggest taking it first thing in the morning, right when you wake up (1)
  2. Stay hydrated. Without enough hydration, you may have energy stores available but can’t access them. Energy needs water in order to be unlocked. ATP has 3 phosphates. When the water in cells cuts off a phosphate, you feel a burst of energy from its release, and the energy compound becomes adenosine diphosphate. However, drinking water alone isn’t enough. Optimal Electrolyte is designed to support optimal hydration to get water inside your cells to do its work.
  3. Support your oxidative stress load. Your mitochondria depend heavily on antioxidants to function. If you don’t have enough antioxidants in your body, your mitochondria may not be able to use NADH or CoQ10. This is why Dr. Lynch highly recommends PQQ, Liposomal Glutathione Plus, or Optimal Liposomal Glutathione. These antioxidant formulations help support your body's response to oxidative stress, allowing your mitochondria to function and use NADH and CoQ10.
  4. Clean your genes! Your genes must function properly to adequately turn on the enzymes needed to support ATP production. This is especially true for the “Super Seven’ genes discussed in “Dirty Genes.” Dr. Lynch describes the seven genes shown to have the most common variations that contribute to health issues when not properly addressed via environmental and lifestyle changes. Even without genetic variations, these genes also become dirty easily. Focusing on these genes helps you understand why your energy levels are low and how to improve gene function so you can have the best NADH and COQ10 experience possible.

Ready to Have More Energy?

How would it feel to wake up, bounce out of bed, and feel ready for the day?

How would it feel to be able to play tennis, ski, soccer, or any other sport and feel energized to perform at your best?

Would you like to hear your friends ask you, “What happened to you? You are so full of energy these days! I wish I could keep up!”

Energy Nutrients is your go-to created by naturopath and epigenetic researcher Dr. Ben Lynch, a world-known naturopathic doctor, author, and expert in the body’s biochemical pathways. He formulates all of Seeking Health’s supplement formulations based on his extensive research. He understands what the body requires all the way down to the genetic level. That’s why Seeking Health supplements provide the results you want in a form your body can recognize and utilize in all the right places: this is what we call “Targeted Support.”

Talk to your qualified healthcare professional about adding Energy Nutrients to your daily routine so you can experience the vitality you deserve.

The Bottom Line

If you are concerned about your energy levels, you may need an NADH supplement. Energy Nutrients contains the two essential nutrients for energy production in the cell.

NADH is naturally created in your body from food. However, either too much or too little can make you feel fatigued. You want the right amount for lasting, sustainable energy.

Energy Nutrients has been perfectly formulated with just the right amount of NADH to support your energy levels.

Plus, this powerful product contains CoQ10, which NADH needs to move forward with energy release.

Besides taking on an empty stomach, make sure you clearly understand how to use Energy Nutrients so that you can optimize your experience, such as hydrating, supporting oxidative stress, and cleaning your genes.

It’s time to get off the caffeine and sugar treadmill and on to something that naturally supports energy with healthy ingredients.

Start treating your body how it wants to be treated, and your natural energy will flow.

Buy Energy Nutrients now and start feeling energized.

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You know how important energy is for your overall life success and happiness, and now it’s within your reach with Energy Nutrients



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.