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How To Use Prenatal Vitamins - For The Health Of Your Child

How To Use Prenatal Vitamins - For The Health Of Your Child

Have you miscarried in the past or have difficulty with fertility?

Are you pregnant for the first time and wonder what the crucial next steps are?

Do you have a child with autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, hypospadias, tongue tie, or congenital heart defects?

Many birth defects or significant pediatric conditions are caused by inadequate nutrition before, during and after pregnancy.


My passion is to reduce the incidence of disease in unborn children.

This is what gets me up and out of bed and excited to go to ‘work’.

Do you believe it is possible to reduce the incidence of disease or birth defects in unborn children?


As a father of three healthy and beautiful boys (I think so anyway), I know I am very fortunate. I am thankful for this each day and never take it for granted.

As a physician, I’ve worked with many men and women who had been trying unsuccessfully to have a child.

I've worked with families who have children with significant birth defects or who are somewhere on the autism spectrum.

As a soccer coach, I work with kids who are struggling mentally and physically.

It pains me because I know I can do something about it. Yet the parents have no clue or no desire for alternatives beyond medications.


We are proud to have our full Optimal Prenatal Product Line recognized as a recipient of the Women's Choice Award for 9 out of 10 Customer Recommended Prenatal Supplements.

The prenatal vitamins I formulated based on my years of research:

To give you some perspective, it took me three years to formulate these. I did not rush it. A prenatal is far too important to rush.

  • Optimal Prenatal: provides 800 mcg of folate as methylfolate and folinic acid for the best folate support. Using only methylfolate in a prenatal is not recommended. This is iron-free. It is iron-free because iron competes with calcium. Also, many women need varying amounts of iron during pregnancy. Some need none and some need quite a bit. Use Optimal Iron Plus Cofactors for a well-tolerated iron supplement. I designed this for my wife as she couldn’t tolerate any iron. Thankfully, this one, she tolerates well.

    Helpful Tip: The suggested daily dose is 8 capsules. This may be split up throughout your day. You can take 3 capsules in the morning, take 3 capsules at lunch and then the remaining 2 capsules in the afternoon. It is best to avoid taking 5 hours before bed because the vitamin B12 is energizing and could keep you awake. 

  • Optimal Prenatal Powder: provides the same nutrients as above in a base of pea and rice protein powder. Simply add a scoop of this to your morning smoothie and you’re done with your prenatal supplementation. It takes more than vitamins and minerals to have a healthy pregnancy. It also requires adequate protein. This prenatal protein powder also provides additional nutrients such as acetyl-L-carnitine (which the capsules do not have).

    This powder is great in a smoothie! You can also shake it up in a mixer bottle with almond milk and enjoy it like that if a smoothie is not an option.

  • Optimal Prenatal Chewable: provides essential nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy, without the additional amino acids and herbs contained in the capsules and protein powder. This formula is iron-free like the capsules for maximum versatility. With this easy chewable format, only two tablets are needed daily. The Optimal Prenatal Chewable does not contain choline – talk to you doctor about supplementing separately.

    Simple Solution: This product is a good option for those who have trouble swallowing pills – take one chewable in the morning and one with lunch! 

Choose your favorite delivery method – Capsules, Protein Powder, or Chewable?!

You can choose which delivery method of Optimal Prenatal works best for you. AND you can alternate them based on your needs for the day:

  • Make a smoothie with the protein powder if you are in the mood for a delicious treat!
  • Take the chewables with you if you are on-the-go to simply pop in your mouth with breakfast and lunch!
  • Or take the capsules if you are having a leisurely breakfast and lunch at home!



Critical Prenatal Supplementation:

Many ask me, “Do I have to take all of those supplements?”


They are merely recommendations.

The recommendations vary upon your:

  • lifestyle (i.e. more relaxed, less stressed)
  • diet (eat fermented foods so may not need probiotics, almond milk so may not need calcium)
  • environmental surroundings (i.e. Are you exposed to adequate sunshine?)
  • medications (no antacids so may need less B12, no valproic acid so may need less folate)


Keep in mind that prenatal nutrition is also needed during breastfeeding.


You are still nourishing yourself and your beautiful baby.

If you stop nourishing yourself, you could become depleted, possibly depressed and your baby could potentially have methylation dysfunction.

These are things we must avoid. 

Does this protocol work?

For many, yes!

I would LOVE to hear how this prenatal supplementation protocol has helped you throughout pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Please do comment and share!

Others need to experience a healthy and rewarding pregnancy – and the little stinkers after they are born!

In health,

Dr. Ben Lynch, ND


Additional Supplements & Dr. Lynch's Suggested Use can be found here:

Liposomal Vitamin C – Take after a glass of water, or anytime, and hold in your mouth for 10 seconds, moving it around slowly, and then swallow.

Optimal Fish Oil – Take with dinner.

Optimal Vitamin D Drops – Take anytime with or without food.

ProBiota HistaminX – Take anytime with or without food.

Optimal Iron – Take with breakfast or lunch.

Optimal Electrolyte – To maintain hydration, ideally take in the morning upon waking mixed in 8 ounces of purified water. You may also take after sweating or before/during/after exercise.


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